16. Geitafellshnjúkur - Nykurtjörn

Geitafellshnjúkur with a stop at Nykurtjörn.

Here you will find coordinates and detailed information about this beautiful hiking trail.

The farm Geitafell lies under Geitafellshnjúkur in Reykjahverfi and was somewhat remote in previous years. The only ones passing by during the winters were locals on their way to town. 

You start my walking through a gate (let´s protect the fence). The first slope is steep and quite difficult, but after that the walk gets easier. Up on Geitafellshnjúkur you can see over Laxárdalur valley and towards Hólasandur.  At the top is a circular view and main locations pointed out.

it is ideal to use the opportunity and walk to Nykurskál where Nykurtjörn (a lake) is and enjoy the beautyful surroundings there. Be careful NOT to go straight down the hill towards Nykurtjörn, but to walk the ridge and go quite the distance around so that there is no risk of falling down the cliffs. It is good to end the walk by walking the circle around Nykurskál and go down to the road from there.

Nykurtjörn is a hidden gem by Geitafellshnjúkur and is not visible from the road. It is an ancient crater believed to be 11m deep.